An enhanced task details experience is coming soon to

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We know change can be tricky—especially when you least expect it. That’s why we’re looking ahead to a good change (we promise!) to the platform that’s coming right around the corner.

To cut right to the chase, we’ll be replacing the current task details page with an expanded view that includes a handy pop-out panel and a full-page version.

These changes to your task details experience will result in vastly improved approaches your work in, including more efficient ways to both view and update your tasks and their attributes. Who doesn’t love optimized navigation, streamlined workflows, and fewer clicks to get around?

Now that you know what’s up our sleeve, here’s what you can expect from this revamped experience that puts the priority on getting your work done in a more focused, seamless manner.

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A handy slide-out panel—and a comprehensive view

Enter two new ways to view your task details. Whether you’re viewing the in-line panel or opt for the expanded, fuller task details screen, you’ll enjoy a revamped experience that surfaces the most important parts of your tasks in whatever context you prefer to see them.

Speaking of contextualizing your work, we’ve also made it easier to see where you are—and what’s going on—right within a task with a little help from breadcrumb navigation in the full task details page. You still have access to quick actions in the header (like logging time and estimated time), but now they’re more contextual and faster to track down in the top left of the full task details page.

The activity tab is more accessible, as well, and a dedicated comments panel means you never have to go far to see how your teammates or clients are chiming in. And did we mention that everything task-related is also editable in-line? (More on all of these later.)

In the past, getting used to the layout of the old task details panel took time and could come with additional learning curves. We’re confident that these new changes will help new and old users alike get up and running quickly—three cheers for better efficiency!

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A more focused, detailed view of your tasks

This is one comments section you won’t be scrambling to exit out of. Thanks to a new, dedicated comments and activity panel, you can view your task details right alongside important context in-line, taking your collaboration abilities to the next level. And best of all, that means no more endless scrolling to the bottom of your screen just to refer back to that one comment you really needed to surface.

The dedicated activity tab within the comments panel allows for an at-a-glance view of your task audit trail, so you’re always aware of a task’s history and progression. Ultimately, wherever you are within the panel, you’ll always have a laser-focused view that highlights only the most relevant information you need to see.

Fewer clicks, better efficiency

To keep everything as simple as possible, we’ve also introduced inline editing of task information. That means anything you need to edit within a task—whether it’s assigning it to someone, adding due dates, or changing priorities—will only take you a single click.

Plus, navigating around the panel itself is streamlined as can be, with the ability to expand and collapse it at any time through drag-and-drop, or simply clicking to access the fuller, expandable task details page. That streamlined navigation also carries over into the more focused task view, which is easy to get into and out of with one click. (Plus, you can always quickly exit the full task details page using the “x” icon on the top right, which will return you to the task view.)

Regardless of where you’re viewing your task details, we hope this single task viewing experience within helps you achieve better, more dedicated focus work within the platform. Stay tuned in the next few weeks as we roll out the new and improved task details experience, coming soon to a account near you!

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